Once the practice is registered, verify that your entire staff is able to access Vision Source Insight. Anyone who has access to Insight will be enrolled in The Optical Dream as soon as you register your office(s). You can verify, add, or delete personnel by clicking the “MY OFFICES” on the Insight homepage. 


TO ADD A STAFF MEMBER: Select the “MANAGE PERSONNEL” tab and click “ADD PERSONNEL” and enter the staff member’s title, first name, last name, and email address. To designate the staff member as an admin in The Optical Dream, check the “ADMIN” box. 


After adding the staff member, they will receive an email informing them they have an Insight account and can then choose a password. Once the employee responds and selects their password, they will have access to Insight and can click on the icon for “THE OPTICAL DREAM” on the Insight homepage. This will then take them to their dashboard for The Optical Dream and they can begin training. Each staff member must complete the 2025 Dream Training before they will be able to enter points, earn spins, and redeem prizes.